Saturday, October 18, 2008

World of Warcraft Registry - Watchlist

With over ten million active players, World of Warcraft is the dominant fantasy land for geeks and losers alike. Unfortunately, through the anonymity of the internet, these freaks sate their perversions with few or no repercussions to their reputation and respect.

Here is what I suggest. Just as certain sex offenders have to register with watchdogs groups, we make a website devoted to catching and reporting known and suspected Warcraft players. If you know of someone who plays Warcraft, you take a photo of them, ideally in an embarrassing, filthy, semi-naked-with-gut-hanging-out, mid-game pose, and put it on the site with a brief bio and description.

Imagine, a website full of these:

We could rate them and map them and pretend they were married to each other! Anyone got something?

Disclaimer: Anything here that seemingly violates the Blogger Content Policy is actually a joke.

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